Small Business Software Blog

Security Should Never Be Ruled Out

Security Should Never Be Ruled Out

We recently started to map out a proposal for a new project. This particular project meant working around an existing relationship with a staff developer who maintains a version of the app for another platform. As we moved through the process of crafting a proposal to meet their needs, a number of questions came up, including the question about security.

Treat Your Web Site Like an Investment

Treat Your Web Site Like an Investment

Our projects typically fall on the highly-technical end of the spectrum (in case last week’s blog hadn’t already made that abundantly clear) and represent a much more significant investment for a company, but even the much commonplace “brochure site” which is often your first point of contact in sales is an important part of your marketing efforts.

Development Diary: From Concept to Execution

Development Diary: From Concept to Execution

This is the first in a new series of monthly blogs which will focus on a single project. The goal isn't to bore you with technical jargon and geeky details. Let's face it, you would get bored. Quickly. My goal is to provide you with insight into what happens when someone has an idea for a new digital platform and what goes into making it a reality.

Are You Managing Your Reputation?

Are You Managing Your Reputation?

We all work hard on our business, but do we all keep an eye on the reputation of our business in the community? When you're very small or micro-business, adding that "one more thing" can be next to impossible, but it doesn't have to be.

3 Questions Clingy Customers Still Want Answered

3 Questions Clingy Customers Still Want Answered

It's been nearly two years since I first posted my blog "3 Questions Clingy Customers Want Answered", but it still holds true. You might be wondering why I didn't just recycle the blog. If you weren't, well ... I'll tell you anyway - it wouldn't help with my goal to get new content every week this year. I also wouldn't be able to tell you about a recent interaction I had related to answering those questions.

Transitioning to a New Web Team

Transitioning to a New Web Team

Most small businesses rely on an outsourced Web designer to manage their Web site. With the economy improving, not all of those resources are sticking around. They are instead heading back to work for other companies themselves and they all handle the transition differently. Some are great - providing their client with well-documented processes and information about their site. Many simply fade away. If you're outsourcing your Web design and development to a freelancer or independent firm, here's a few tips on making sure you're ready if you're forced into a transition.

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

A Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

For the last few months, I've been pushing myself to be more active. Since moving last Fall, it's been harder to get out and do the fun activities I love because trails aren't as close and riding along the valley canals is boring. I've had different people try to push me to try different things, like CrossFit (or some kind of functional mobility exercise), but it wasn't the same to me. I love to engage my mind in everything and if the activity isn't stimulating for whatever reason, the motivation to keep doing it doesn't follow. How did I get around this?

Failure is Part of Every Great Plan

Failure is Part of Every Great Plan

We've all heard the old adage, but with software, failure should be part of any plan. This isn't because we want or even know that failure will occur. We certainly don't want the application to fail, but disaster happens. It could be a fire at the data center where the application is housed, infiltration by a malicious hacker, or any number of things that cause an application to fail. What's important, though, is that you have a plan in place to get back up.

Make Your Web Site Do the Work

Make Your Web Site Do the Work

When it comes to email marketing, people often tell me its a chore to produce quality content for both your Web site and an email newsletter. Which is true and also the reason you make sure that content is in sync. That said, you don't have to duplicate your efforts; you only have to produce the content for your Web site and automate sending the latest blog to your email marketing list. Keep reading to find out how surprisingly easy it is.

Making Sure Everyone Gets a Timeout

Over that past few years supporting applications, I've received multiple requests to not timeout (either at all or less frequently). From a user's perspective, it's frustrating. You get up for a cup of coffee between work and get distracted by a quick conversation or the ding of email. You come back to the application, click, and you're required to log in again. There's a number of standards for the length of login timeouts, but everyone has their own opinion and each industry has different specific requirements.

Happy Independence Day!

We wish you all the best time with your family and friends. Grab some BBQ, light some fireworks, and enjoy the long holiday weekend. For those of you that don't see this until the 5th, we hope it was relaxing and you spent quality time with friends and family. Our regularly scheduled blogs will be back next week with more great content. Cheers!

2 Ways to Keep Your Project on Track

2 Ways to Keep Your Project on Track

A great many projects are hatched by business owners everywhere, but they don't all become a reality. Just like not all businesses survive the first 5 years, not every project is executed in a way it can be successful. I recently gave a presentation to a group of small business owners about how Web apps are like houses. If you're scratching your head, then keep reading and I'll explain.