Can I Outsource a CIO?

PublisherSol Minion Developmenthttps: Strategy data securityfractional cioc suite

It’s time to hire a CIO. Technology is central to your business performance and/or product development and revenues, and you need a leader to map out your strategy and implement it. Hiring a CIO is a huge step for a small business -- but maybe it doesn’t have to be. Can you outsource a CIO? Yes. CIO-for-hire, fractional CIO, or CIO-as-a-Service, whatever you call it, is a great option for a small business looking to get the leadership it needs to stay ahead of its competition, current with its customers and dialed into its supply chain.

What Is A CIO-for-HIre or Fractional CIO?

A fractional CIO is a part-time technology professional with the leadership and experience to create plans and strategies for a company’s technology. This technology may include internal software systems, customer-facing solutions, and integration of several different platforms. Once a business sees that the importance of technology has reached a level beyond the capabilities of its current leaders, a fractional CIO may be just the solution to leverage technology and achieve those business goals.

Fractional CTO or Full-time CTO?

The best indicator that you’re ready to hire a full-time CTO is that you already have one by a different title. If you have an IT Manager or Director who is managing different groups -- software, hardware, product -- then you likely already have a CTO. You might be ready to hire one with the right experience and credentials to take those teams to the next level, with a strategic focus.

Outside of that scenario, starting off with a fractional CTO instead of hiring a full-time position will likely make better financial sense. If your business has opportunities to leverage new technology, is feeling pain from outdated systems, or has other leaders taking on the CTO role, then the timing is likely right to start off with a CTO-for-hire.

The Cons of Outsourcing the CTO Position:

The Pros Of Outsourcing The CTO Position:

Yes, You Can Outsource A CTO

Making the decision to bring on a CTO is a big one. There’s a lot of expense involved in addition to the fact that anything “technology” can seem like a giant guess to many leadership teams. A great way to fill a new CTO position is with an outsourced CTO -- a fractional CTO.

Contact us to discuss how a fractional CTO can help your business leverage technology to get a step ahead of your competitors and offer the service level your customers demand.