Small Business Software Blog

Why Opting Out of AI Training on Social Media is Complex in the U.S.

Why Opting Out of AI Training on Social Media is Complex in the U.S.

AI is quickly becoming an integral tool with broad applications across industries. It might seem like nearly everyone is either using it or speculating about it. 

Now, some of the world’s most recognizable corporations are cashing in on years of information stored on social media platforms to train Large Language Models (LLMs). This has raised privacy concerns for some and caused alarm among creatives over the potential for copyright infringement. 

Here’s a brief look at 2024’s digital landscape, where stark differences in regional regulations impact how your data is used, and how you can respond. 

How to Freeze Your Credit and Safeguard Your Business

How to Freeze Your Credit and Safeguard Your Business

Amidst a digital ecosystem that has evolved around convenience, credit fraud has become alarmingly common. According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), credit fraud was the most reported form of identity theft in 2022. 

Out of nearly 1.1 million reports of identity theft, “the FTC received 441,882 reports from people who said their information was misused with an existing credit card or when applying for a new credit card.”

Of the many steps you can take to safeguard your identity and financial assets, a credit freeze is — surprisingly — one of the easiest. In tandem with proactive data security practices, this simple process can bring you more peace of mind.

Agtech Solutions For Drought Resilience and Land Restoration

Agtech Solutions For Drought Resilience and Land Restoration

Since 1973, World Environment Day has been observed on June 5th to inspire the global community to enact positive changes that protect its natural resources. 

The event, led by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), highlights a new theme each year. This year, the spotlight is on desertification, drought resilience, and land restoration. 

Farmers everywhere are facing complex economic and environmental challenges, and will need creative solutions to navigate them. Agtech adoption could play a pivotal role in helping farmers reduce waste, manage resources, and monitor the wellbeing of crops more efficiently.

Three Social Commerce Strategies for Your Small Business

Three Social Commerce Strategies for Your Small Business

Pandemic lockdowns, supply-chain disruptions, inflation, and conflicts around the globe have put immense pressure on small businesses in recent years. Many have struggled or failed to adapt to such volatility. 

Resilient businesses, however, have adapted to reach the growing number of people turning to social media to feel connected and informed about the world. 

Social commerce offers unique solutions to some of the challenges facing small to medium-sized businesses (SMBs) in 2024. Here’s what you need to know. 

How Augmented and Virtual Reality Are Changing the Healthcare Experience

How Augmented and Virtual Reality Are Changing the Healthcare Experience

Immersive technologies, such as augmented reality and virtual reality (AR/VR), are transforming workplace dynamics in many sectors. Over the past few years, potential use cases of AR/VR in healthcare have expanded rapidly. From immersive medical education to performing surgeries and beyond, the potential is intriguing.  

In healthcare, however, there are still unique legal and ethical hurdles for providers to consider as they move forward in adopting AR/VR tech. Establishing safe and effective protocols for AR/VR technology that also safeguard patient rights to privacy will take time. 

Let's explore where things stand with immersive tech in healthcare today.

Four Business Practices for Resilience in Turbulent Times

Four Business Practices for Resilience in Turbulent Times

Since the Pandemic, the world has worked to recover from the impact of supply chain and socioeconomic interruptions. In 2024, global economies can expect more turbulence caused by a variety of interconnected sources.

The current risk landscape, as outlined in World Economic Forum’s Global Risk Report, consists of an array of environmental, social, technological, and geopolitical factors causing instability. If you own a business, focusing on resilience will prepare you to navigate the evolving risk landscape. Here’s what you need to know.

How to Avoid Common Small Business Automation Pitfalls

How to Avoid Common Small Business Automation Pitfalls

Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) benefit greatly from automation when it’s done right. You can relieve a lot of pressure by choosing tools to streamline processes that devour your team’s time and energy. Strategic automation can reduce your long-term costs and transform how you handle vital processes.

Underestimating the time, effort, and maintenance successful automation requires is a sure way to end up frustrated and overwhelmed. With a systematic approach, however, you’ll set yourself up for success before taking the plunge.

Must-Have Features for Your Small Business Ecommerce App

Must-Have Features for Your Small Business Ecommerce App

Building an app to support your ecommerce shop is a big step, and flashy features are becoming more accessible for small businesses all the time. With so many options, how can you make the most of all that potential? By narrowing your focus at the outset, you can avoid several common mistakes that irritate customers and cost you sales. These strategies will reduce frustration and create positive experiences that win you satisfied customers.

How International Regulators Are Shaping AI Transparency and Ethics Oversight

How International Regulators Are Shaping AI Transparency and Ethics Oversight

One by one, regulatory bodies around the world are working to establish clear guidelines and oversight for AI. This is no easy task, with rapid developments making it difficult to keep up with all the potential ways the technology can be used. Nevertheless, the EU is leading the way with the AI Act. It's the first sweeping legislation, passed by the European Parliament, to shape AI transparency and ethics measures and manage its risks.

The EU tends to adopt more restrictive policies around data use and privacy than other regulatory bodies. However, these first steps will likely influence how other governments shape their AI laws. As expressed in a recent MIT Technology Review article, “By becoming the first to formalize rules around AI, the EU retains its first-mover advantage. Much like the GDPR, the AI Act could become a global standard.”

Strategies and Tools for Collaborative Project Management Across Borders

Strategies and Tools for Collaborative Project Management Across Borders

As physical location becomes less important in digitally-oriented jobs, learning to leverage the skills of global teams is a must. Remote collaboration has its challenges, but the benefits can far outweigh them. 

To manage global teams  successfully, you’ll need clear communication, the right tools, and a willingness to re-evaluate rigid work models that may be more familiar than helpful. If this seems daunting, here’s where to start.

Five Strategies to Protect Your Data Privacy While Traveling

Five Strategies to Protect Your Data Privacy While Traveling

If you've been counting down to your vacation or are preparing for a work trip, your personal data is the last thing you want to worry about. Unfortunately, travel can put you in situations that make you more vulnerable to data theft.

With a little foresight and a few simple steps, you can secure your digital footprint while you’re away. Here’s what you need to know before you go.

Shore Up Your Defenses: Secure by Design Practices for Small Business

Shore Up Your Defenses: Secure by Design Practices for Small Business

No matter your industry, you rely on a network of third parties to manage various aspects of your business. Along with services like cloud storage, website hosting, and network management comes the inherent risk of sharing sensitive data. We place trust in these vendors by default, and it’s easy to treat security like an afterthought — something we entrust to yet another third party.  

By implementing Secure by Design (SbD) practices, you accept a collaborative relationship with software providers alongside common sense and a healthy dose of caution.