Start Here: Cybersecurity Planning for Small Business

(Free Download)

Hackers love small businesses. You can protect your business in 3 simple steps for Cybersecurity Planning.

Your business depends on its software. Your customers and prospects conduct business with you through your website. You have different software solutions running in different areas of your small business. However, you could likely improve on your Cybersecurity Planning since you don’t have an IT staff you can trust to make sure your business is safe and secure. And almost every day you see headlines of small businesses like yours falling victim to what seems like random attacks with phishing schemes and ransomware.

Where Do You Start?

What if you could take three simple steps to protect your business and your customers? Three ways to add a layer of security, quickly and easily.

Would you do it?

Well, you can. Just download our short white paper, Basic Security Principles. Get it now and start adding that layer of protection to your business through Cybersecurity Planning.

Basic Security Principles

Download Now: Basic Security Principles

Use these principles to keep your website and applications safe and secure from hackers.

What Are The Risks Right Now To My Customers’ Data, To My Business?

Hackers want information, primarily personal and financial data. The risk to your customers is that their sensitive information -- like social security numbers, credit card numbers, home addresses, emails, passwords -- all end up in a dark web marketplace for any bad actor to purchase. Once this data gets into the wrong hands, your customers can be at risk for anything from fraudulent credit card charges, to bank account drains, to full identity theft. And it will all be tied to your data breach.

Opting out of Cybersecurity Planning places risk on your business that can be fatal. Most small businesses that fall victim to a data breach do not survive.

Isn’t My Business Too Small For Hackers?

Unfortunately, hackers love small businesses. Hackers use software bots to sniff out vulnerable businesses and store those for later access or to sell the info to other hackers. A business can open up itself to trouble with outdated software (think WordPress), uninstalled security patches, and weak security practices (think passwords and phishing training). In fact, when a new security patch is announced by companies like Microsoft or HP, it’s a green light for hackers to find the exploit and launch attacks before businesses install the patches. Some pretty big hacks came in through unpatched printers!

Our IT Guy Handles All Of This

Most in-house IT teams are occupied assisting users with things like password resets, fixing broken printers, or installing new computers. They just don’t have time to put together Cybersecurity Planning to monitor, detect, and react to cyber attacks. That is why it is essential for you to direct your team to take these steps.

Remember, our Basic Security Principles provide you with three easy steps to take. You can direct your IT team to do these three things to quickly improve your security.

Isn’t Cybersecurity Planning Too Expensive For Small Businesses?

If you download this white paper and follow the steps, that’s free. And it could save you some real headaches and significant expense should a breach occur. Beyond that, there is more you can do. Once a breach happens, the cost of prevention suddenly seems insignificant. Don’t wait until that happens. Budget for it now.

Okay, So What Do I Need To Do?

Start by downloading our white paper. All you need is an email.

And After That?

Hopefully, at this point, you’re committed to protecting your business. Once you implement the three Tiers of Basic Security from the white paper, it’s time to start allocating resources -- people and budget -- to lock down your business and protect it from hackers. And we can help with that.

But start with this download. You’ll be glad you did.