Small Business Software Blog

Centering Values and Strategic Automation in 2024

Centering Values and Strategic Automation in 2024

The needs of our interconnected world look a little different each year. As you set fresh business goals, it’s a good time to revisit your strategies to meet your customers where they are. 

To connect with your audience in 2024, you’ll need to do more to market and deliver a great product or service. Now more than ever, your customers care about the quality of their experiences and where their money is going. 

The State of Privacy Rights Going Into 2024

The State of Privacy Rights Going Into 2024

With rapid changes in technology that impacts almost every part of our lives, privacy rights are evolving too. Regulatory bodies around the world have their work cut out for them to address the many ways user data can potentially be exploited.

At the same time, international and domestic surveillance practices are fraught as parts of the intelligence community seek to expand their reach. Understanding these shifts is crucial for making informed decisions as individuals, consumers, and entrepreneurs.

Fortify Your Business Against Power Grid Failures and Cyberattacks in 2024

Fortify Your Business Against Power Grid Failures and Cyberattacks in 2024

As 2024 draws nearer, cyberattacks and extreme weather events are expected to be primary concerns for critical infrastructure and businesses around the globe. Here’s what you need to know.

How DeFi is Transforming the Fintech Landscape

How DeFi is Transforming the Fintech Landscape

When you think about Decentralized Finance (DeFi), the first thing that comes to mind is probably cryptocurrency. This makes sense, because DeFi depends on blockchain technology that emerged with Bitcoin. Its applications, however, go far beyond cryptocurrency trading.

Blockchain technology is already drawing the interest of vital industries; from government and healthcare systems to supply chain management.

Three Steps to Enhance UX for Your Travel Site

Three Steps to Enhance UX for Your Travel Site

In the travel industry, user experience (UX) can make or break your business. UX includes everything — from landing page design to customer service — that impacts how the user feels about your company when they interact with your website.

Travelers want to find the best deals easily, and you’ve got plenty of competition. If key information is hard to locate or your booking process looks like a hassle, they’ll bounce without a second thought. This guide can help improve your travel site’s UX, win your customers’ trust, and earn more bookings.

Strategies to Boost Your Ecommerce Site’s Security

Strategies to Boost Your Ecommerce Site’s Security

October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month. So, as your business gears up for the holidays, don’t forget to take stock of your cybersecurity resilience. Ecommerce security is always crucial, but the industry is particularly vulnerable to bad actors during the busy season.

What You Need to Know About Privacy and Generative AI

What You Need to Know About Privacy and Generative AI

In recent weeks, the most recognizable names in generative AI have been put under the microscope by lawsuits contesting their widespread use of copyrighted creative work, without consent or compensation. This has sparked concerns about AI and data privacy.

What to Expect From Your Software Audit

What to Expect From Your Software Audit

If your small or mid-sized organization doesn’t have an in-house IT team, chances are you’re overdue for a software audit. Even if your systems were customized for you, it’s very common for inefficiencies and security holes to come up over time. 

As the digital ecosystem is always changing, a software audit is a proactive way to protect your business and improve its processes as it grows. Here’s what you need to know before we get started.

How to Avoid Bias in Your Data Collection and Analysis

How to Avoid Bias in Your Data Collection and Analysis

Whether we like it or not, bias exists ― in humans and the systems we create. In data collection and analysis, bias can cause errors that skew information and omit important data.

Acknowledging its existence is the first step to removing its claws so it can’t cause damage to communities or your business goals.

Three Ways User Experience Impacts Your Business

Three Ways User Experience Impacts Your Business

User Experience (UX) is one of the most important factors to consider when managing first impressions with your customers. It’s the overall experience your customers have when they interact with your website, so getting it right is essential to your site’s performance.

The more frustration a user encounters, the more likely you are to lose that lead. Good UX should be intuitive to navigate, efficient, and enjoyable to use. Here’s what you need to know.

How to Choose the Right Merchant Service for Your Ecommerce Site

How to Choose the Right Merchant Service for Your Ecommerce Site

If you have an online store or process payments for your services online, user-friendly and reliable merchant services are a must. But like many business decisions, finding the right fit isn’t as simple as checking out user reviews.

Before you take the leap, consider these factors to make a well-informed decision and integrate your merchant service with confidence.

Two Things You Should Have in Your Cybersecurity Plan

Two Things You Should Have in Your Cybersecurity Plan

Your cybersecurity plan outlines the procedures that protect your organization against risks, threats, and vulnerabilities. It should also address how you handle user data. If your business collects or processes consumer data of any kind, these two policies are must-haves for your cybersecurity plan.