Small Business Software Blog

Why It's Important to Update Software Regularly

Why It's Important to Update Software Regularly

At Sol Minion Development, we offer Customer Support and Software Maintenance plans as part of our services. Businesses need to view software maintenance in the same way they view maintaining their vehicles and machinery. Lack of a good maintenance plan for software can lead to reduced efficiency, down time, and even security breaches. Keeping software updated will save money and lot of headaches, in the short term and long term.

How NOT to Hire the WRONG Developer

How NOT to Hire the WRONG Developer

Choosing the right software developer for your project can be a daunting, stressful process. This decision will likely have financial and operational impacts on your business for five to ten years to come. In previous posts we’ve covered choosing the right partner and reviewed when to fire a developer when things go awry. Now, we’ll review some of the early signs that the developer you’re evaluating might not be the right choice for your project. Too many times, we’ve seen clients make the wrong decision, only to end up spending more time and money cleaning up a mess.

Application Management: Staying Up to Date

Application Management: Staying Up to Date

From our previous blogs, you now know how involved the entire process is in developing custom software for your business, from gathering information to hiring the right developer. But what happens after the application goes live? There is always maintenance to be done, and a good software maintenance plan is key to ongoing success, not to mention keeping all of the components updated, secure, and running smoothly.

When Was Your Last Technology Strategy Session?

When Was Your Last Technology Strategy Session?

An information technology audit evaluates a business' technical infrastructure and operations in order to identify technologies that are aging and need to be upgraded or replaced. As technology ages, it can start to create unnecessary costs, security vulnerabilities, and prevent continued progress and efficiencies within the business. That is why we recommend periodic technology audits for our clients. These audits can be done internally by a qualified employee our outsourced to an IT auditor.

What is GDPR?

What is GDPR?

You’ve probably been hearing a lot about GDPR -- or have been flooded by privacy policy update emails -- and you might wonder what it means for your business and website. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) was also a common topic at the recent Cybersecurity Summit. So, what is GDPR? The European Union (EU) started data protection with its first law in 1995, the Data Protection Directive. GDPR replaces that law in what the EU sees as their being at the forefront of privacy and data protection. The GDPR became enforceable on May 28th, 2018.

Software Development Planning: What to Consider

Software Development Planning: What to Consider

In our recent blog, Web Design versus Web Development: Information Design, we touched on things you need to consider when developing a new application for your business. In this article, we expand on that. If you’re thinking to yourself, “I’m still not sure exactly what solution I need,” we’ll help you focus in on the answer by looking at types of users and the desired outcomes. We’ll look at internal versus external users, and we’ll dive into outcomes such as marketing, revenue, and operations.

Why is Cybersecurity Important?

Why is Cybersecurity Important?

We recently attended the Arizona Technology Council’s 2018 Cybersecurity Summit in Scottsdale. As usual, this summit was packed with great information and exciting presenters and panels. We had two key takeaways from this. First, there will always be threats, so you need to be prepared. Second, you need to have a plan for when (when, not if) you get attacked.

Understand What Your Business Needs

Understand What Your Business Needs

The primary goal of creating and investing in a custom software application for your business is to improve your business -- profitability, efficiency, customer experience, revenues, etc. You know that much. Now, you need to identify what your business really needs so that you can develop the right custom software solution for your users.

Web Design versus Web Development: Information Design

Web Design versus Web Development: Information Design

In previous posts, we covered the importance of choosing a developer versus a designer and whether to go with a custom built application versus a platform like Wordpress. This first decision between building a website or building a web application is vital. Here, we help make that decision a little easier, and we get you started in thinking about the information you will need to gather from your business processes to build the perfect application.

Anatomy 101: Bringing Your Content to Life (Redux)

Anatomy 101: Bringing Your Content to Life (Redux)

When we're working with clients on their applications, they often want to know more about marketing it. Needs vary depending on the purpose of the application we are commissioned to create. That marketing could be internal or external. Let me explain.

When Things Don’t Work Out: Firing Your Developer

When Things Don’t Work Out: Firing Your Developer

We’ve all heard it before: breaking up is hard to do. Whether it’s a personal or professional relationship, pulling the plug on an arrangement that’s no longer working for you can be pretty tough, especially when there’s something important hanging on the line. In the case of web projects, you can feel intimidated to end a relationship with your developer for various reasons. But there may come a point when you have to fire your developer and go in a different direction. How do you know when that time has come? Keep reading.

What Should Be Happening During a Web Project?

What Should Be Happening During a Web Project?

Planning your web project takes time and lots of research, but once you’re done, the real work begins. However, most people don’t really know what should be happening during their web projects. Most follow an intricate, yet fluid, construction and execution process. In this article, we’ll go over what you should expect.