Web Design versus Web Development: Information Design

PublisherSol Minion Developmenthttps:https://assets.solminion.co/logo.svgPublished Custom Software ecommercesoftware development

In previous posts, we covered the importance of choosing a developer versus a designer and whether to go with a custom built application versus a platform like Wordpress. This first decision between building a website or building a web application is vital. Here, we help make that decision a little easier, and we get you started in thinking about the information you will need to gather from your business processes to build the perfect application.

Web Site Versus Application: What to Consider

First, you need to identify the purpose and goals for your new project. Then, ask yourself these questions to help choose between application development and web design:

What is Web Development?

As we mentioned in a previous blog, “Web developers (sometimes they are referred to as programmers) go beyond the simple design phase of a web application. A developer focuses on the back-end programming, function, and code to make the web application dynamic. So, instead of the application being ‘static’ or stationary, developers put in commands to make the application ‘interactive.’” In other words, we create custom, web-based software to help you run your business. As you can see, this is much different than creating a marketing site that helps you promote your products.

Which is better, Web Designer or Web Developer

They’re both better, assuming you’ve accurately selected the right professional. In fact, sometimes you need both: one to generate leads, one to build the product. The key for you is to know which one to hire. If you’re not sure, just ask us. We’re happy to help you understand what your project needs.

Understand What your Business Needs

First, consider the types of applications that you can have developed:

Information Design for your Application

Next, you need to identify the information that your project will need to gather and use. The key here is to really dig into your business process and flow of information. Consider how information flows from your customers into your business, how it is used, and what information is passed back to them, either directly or into other applications. Trace that flow of information through your business and figure out what information is really important to the development of this application.

Gathering your information:

You want to think about your business process: what information goes in, what information comes out, and how is it used. Also, what pain is your current app causing? What do you really want to keep from the processes or software you’re using today?


There’s a reason people say, “Garbage in, garbage out.” That notion applies just as much to your web application. So, once you have made the key decision to work with a Web Developer to create your application, the information design becomes a key part of the process -- no garbage in! By really going through your business processes and understanding how a custom application will help you run and grow your business, you will gather the information your developer needs in order to create the perfect application for you. The right developer, like PIng! Development, will walk you through this process and ensure that the Information Design for your project is spot on, creating success for your project and your business.