Software Updates And Your Technology Strategy

PublisherSol Minion Developmenthttps: Strategy application developmentsoftware developmentmaintenance

Technology likely empowers every area of your business, from sales and marketing, to logistics and finance, to high-level management and customer interactions. That being the case, the most basic element to ensuring that your technology performs is keeping it up to date. Maintaining software updates keeps it secure, protects against threats, and ensures that it runs smoothly in order to keep up with your business’s growth. That is why software updates are such a vital part of your overall technology strategy.

What Is A Technology Strategy

A technology strategy is simply a process of evaluating your technology on a regular basis and making adjustments to it based on those assessments. Your technology needs to align with your overall business strategy and enable your team to achieve your business performance goals. A key element of this strategy is time: your technology needs to stay in step -- if not a step ahead -- of your growth. That includes maintenance and upgrades.

Why Software Updates Are Vital To Your Strategy

A sure sign that your business isn’t keeping up with software updates and maintenance is internal frustration with slow and buggy software. When your software appears to get slower with time, going through and making the necessary updates and upgrades can bring it back up to speed, which will bring the whole business up to speed.

Updating your software affects all elements of your software strategy, including:

Key Ways To Upgrade Your Application Technology

With a good software maintenance plan, your team will notice improvements in performance. It’s not like an oil change in a car where you can’t really tell. When you perform regular maintenance on your software and technology, your team will see a difference and it will likely show up in your business metrics as well.

Here are key ways to upgrade your software technology as part of your maintenance plan:

  1. Updates: This is the most obvious and most often overlooked way to keep your technology humming. When software is left outdated, bugs start to show up and compound upon each other and the performance suffers. Regular updates need to be at the core of every technology strategy.
  2. Security: Often, patches and updates are a big part of software security. However, there is also the biggest vulnerability -- humans. Training and policies need to be updated as regularly as software patches.
  3. Cloud: Moving software into the cloud is an upgrade that can affect performance across the board by bringing flexibility, remote access, and scalability to your software. Cloud-served software can also include “built-in” security
  4. Integration: Tying different software together has some great benefits, from data consistency, process automation, and more. However, these can all degrade or even break when software isn’t kept up to date. New functionality can come with updates, functionality that may have beneficial impacts on your business.
  5. Replacement: Sometimes software and technology need to be replaced. When technology enters its “legacy” phase, a good replacement is likely in order.

Evaluate Your Software

If you’re seeing the signs of software getting behind in its updates -- slowing down, bugs, frustrated users, broken integrations, etc. -- then let’s set up a time to do a quick analysis and inventory of your technology. From there, we can put together a technology strategy that will keep your business running smoothly upon its technology foundation.

Contact us now to get that started.

Further Reading