Mobile App Blogs

How to Create an App for Your Business...Or Not

How to Create an App for Your Business...Or Not

If you’re wondering how to develop an app for your business, you’ll want to decide if having an app is the right move in the first place. Let’s review a couple of important considerations and ideas to consider before you head out on the path to creating an app for your business. First, take a look at the business itself.

So You're Ready For a Mobile App...

So You're Ready For a Mobile App...

It's becoming just as important to be able to connect with your customers directly through their mobile devices as it is to have a company Web site. That's great, but it's not for everyone and building a mobile app isn't as simple as converting your existing Web site or application into a mobile app. Planning, methods for the app to obtain and share data, and the mobile app itself all need to be created.

The 2 Signs You're Ready for a Mobile App

In my networking circles, many business owners tell me they want an app. When I ask what they want the app to do they are, more often than not, uncertain. Mobile apps are the hot new commodity, but are a considerable investment and just having one isn't enough. If you don't yet have a mobile Web site, developing an app is certainly getting ahead of yourself. Before jumping in with both feet, you can save a lot time (and money) by doing some up-front planning and strategy to deliver an experience your customers will love and use.