Your Custom Software Solution: Time For A Review

PublisherSol Minion Developmenthttps: Custom Software strategyplanningapplication development

You made the move to create a custom software solution for your business. This software enables your business performance success by automating processes and securing your data. Now it’s been six months or more since you rolled it out to your users and you’re ready for a mid-year review. Doing a mid-year review of your custom software is vital to making sure it continues to aid business growth. Here are our recommendations for a mid-year review of your custom software.

Goal Alignment

You created this software in order to achieve your business goals. How is that going? A good custom software solution will provide you with reports and analytics. Hopefully, you’ve been using those regularly to manage your business. Now, you can use those to manage your software.

We all know that goals change. You may have accomplished some, added some, and adjusted some. Update your goals, including measurement and metrics. This will be key to assessing how your software is performing.


As you update your goals and key performance indicators, you’ll be able to assess how the software is helping you achieve those. When doing this exercise, consider the following aspects of your software:

Making Adjustments

Once you’ve made the assessments above, you’ll need to implement the changes. This is where many companies drop the ball. Creating a plan around this comes down to three key components:

The Time For A Software Review Is Now

Just like an oil change for that prized vehicle, doing a regular review and update to your custom software will keep it running smoothly and do the same for your business. Your software should enable achieving performance goals, automate processes, and create a secure environment, protecting your key data and information.

We can help. Contact us today to schedule an assessment and review of your custom software and ensure that your business continues to thrive.

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