Software Development: What's Coming in 2019

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Here’s the thing. Businesses need to learn, grow, adapt, and do their best to see what’s coming at them. Your customers change. Your market changes. The way developers like Sol Minion Development build applications changes. As we look forward to new opportunities in 2019, we see that the year and the expected changes are not in a vacuum. They’ve been in the works for years. Keeping an eye on these trends is part of how we deliver a great solution for our clients. So, what do we see coming in 2019?

2019 Brings New Opportunities for Users, Businesses and Developers:

Our 2019 Software Predictions and Observations


The year ahead brings exciting opportunities for custom software development and the value created for our clients. While users have more, competitive choices in 2019, we also see emerging technologies such as machine learning, blockchain, natural language processing and connected apps as opportunities to maintain your edge and build loyalty into your application.

Not sure where your business should be headed with its technology this year? Contact us, and let’s do a software review and put together your short and long-term software plans.