Last year, we had the opportunity to work with one of our clients to put together a site that did a great job explaining financial planning in plain English. I stress those last few words because most of the financial advisors I've met in my life think that throwing out big words is better than a client who understands what's going on and the strategy involved. While creating that site, we created some prototype financial calculators (with plans to put some more together over time). On February 19th, we released the refined version of those calculators, easily installed into any Joomla Web site.
The initial version of the calculators was more manual to setup and required more technical expertise. Now, anyone can install four of the five calculators we created on any Joomla Web site. We left the verbiage more general so our client can keep the unique aspect of plain language that anyone can understand. Are these plugins a replacement for qualified professional advice? Not even close, but at least you can play with some numbers before meeting with someone who can explain exactly what those numbers mean.
If you're a Financial Advisor and would like to offer these tools to your clients, they're available for purchase through our online extension store and demos are available on our demo site. Don't have Joomla? Let us know if you'd like to see these same calculators for your Web site platform:
Need assistance installing the calculators or a new Web site to host them on? We can help with that, too.